Wednesday, May 12, 2010

SELL is a Four Letter Word............When You're Not In Sales

All companies need more sales; it has been, will be, and will remain a critical part of any company's prosperity. Within the last few years, there has been a trend to have more than just the sales team sell the company's products and services. Having non-sales employees promote your company can be extremely beneficial if approached correctly.

Ask anyone what comes to mind when they think of a stereotypical salesperson. The responses are usually not too flattering: sleazy, never telling the truth, telling you what you want to hear, wears gold chains, etc. If these are typical responses (you should ask your employees!) then why, oh why, would you ask your non-sales employees to sell? With their views of sales doesn't make much sense.

So, when you are losing the game......change the rules. You can achieve the same results, but you must change your approach. Whether they are a customer service rep, a receptionist, a financial support person........any non-sales position, they can help sell your products and services without feeling like they are being forced to sell (remember its a four letter word to the non-sales employee).

Let's look at why customers buy:
#1 They trust the person they deal with,
#2 They like the person they deal with, and
#3 They count on the person they deal with to be knowledgeable

Now, to get your non-sales employees to help promote your company, you must:
         1. Never tell them they are being asked (required) to sell as part of their job. They will resent it, and you will receive minimal results
         2. Acknowledge the connection they have with the customer....and that you are aware of that priceless relationship. (Remember: they may even have more conversations with the customer than the sales person.) And the end result is the customer TRUSTS them.
         3. Let them know that the customer already LIKES THEM and they have pre-built a strong relationship. Many customer service folks have incredibly strong relationships with your customers, they just need to be told that you recognize it.
          4. And finally (this is where you can gain additional sales) let them know that the customer counts on them to provide information on a new a product or service. That they are actually letting the customer down when they do not share that information; that it could harm the relationship they have established over time. And, that the customer will be appreciative of the new information they share. It will further and strengthen the relationship they have with a customer.

If you are looking to increase sales by all means possible, and are not utilizing your non-sales are missing a great opportunity. The non-sales employee can create sales with a current customer; help get a prospect in for a tour of your company (80% of prospects that tour a company end up purchasing from them), or cross-sell additional products and services.

Just my thoughts............blah, blah, blah.